Gallery Page 68
North Carolina Fleet Run 2008
James Mousaw was kind enough to supply a CD of photographs covering this
event - thanks James!
Click on any picture to see a larger version
William J. Blackmore - USS Arizona BB-39
Photo by Eric Bertelsen
Charles Lamm - USS Rochester CA-124 and CG-26 Belknap
Charles Huet - USS Yorktown CG-48
Joey Joyner - USS Lang FF-1060 and DDG-23 USS Richard E. Byrd
The Duane Curtis Fleet:
USS Truman CVN 75
USS Wisconsin BB 64
USS Boone FFG 28
USS Anzio CG 68
USS Arctic AOE 8
Photos by Eric Bertelsen
USS Kidd DDG 993
USS Carter Hall LSD 50
USS Ramage DDG 61
Eric Bertelsen - Homeport
Models - USS Bunker Hill CG-52 - Canadian Halifax class FFH - Bear
Class WMEC
Ed Saunders - Emily Lauren
Bob Hoernke - USS Phoenix - USS Tucson

SS Hog Island
USS Chatham Ak-169
USS Somers DD-381
Joe Wallace - USS Richard L. Page FFG-5
Todd Smith's USS Brooklyn ACR-3
Ward Creech's USS Spartanburg County LST-1192
Eddie Hathaway's USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 and PT-109
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This page maintained by Kurt Greiner. Email me
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Version 1.02
Last update 11/08